Easy Create Custom Discounts & Coupons

Easy Create Custom Discounts & Coupons

Create discounts and coupons for money off whole or part of a booking deposit, set when discounts run or can be used, and make your own codes.

Included In

What is a discount or coupon?

A discount or coupon (also sometimes called voucher) is helpful when you want to be able to share a code to give money off an online booking.

On BookingNinja, you can use this system to create an unlimited amount of customisable money off offers directly on your booking form and you can even make your own custom code like YOURVENUE-20 so customers don't have to remember long strings of numbers.

Why are booking discounts useful?

  • Coupons allow you to instantly create custom codes you can use for both customer service or marketing

  • Booking discount codes take only seconds to set up, with powerful options like max use per email or a set amount of total uses

  • Set a different time for when a coupon can be used and what booking dates it can be used for

  • Quickly remove discounts no longer being used


Take a peek at Easy Create Custom Discounts & Coupons

Set Up Discounts In Seconds

Set Up Discounts In Seconds

It only takes a few seconds to create or remove a coupon


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