Stop paying for your own customers - BookingNinja is a cost effective alternative to OpenTable, with no setup costs and a complete feature set including deposits, ticket types, table management, and more.
You shouldn’t have to use contact forms and wait around for a salesperson to call to give you a hard sell on features you’ve never even seen working.
Not only is Booking Ninja up to 80% cheaper than Open Table, there are zero contracts, and you can see exactly what you get in each of our plans right from this page.
That might sound reasonable, but most people use Google, not Open Table, as the first way to find and research where to eat.
What this means in practice is if anybody searches for your restaurant or restaurants in your area, they’ll find Open Table on Google before they find your site, so you end up paying Open Table for customers you would already have had.
Booking Ninja doesn’t take a cut of bookings, and if you use our booking form, you can even turn off Google searching for our own URL, so your own website will always appear before our booking form.
It's easy to make the switch. We can import all of your customers and bookings from OpenTable, so you'll have no booking downtime. Just speak to us on LiveChat to start the import process once you've signed up to BookingNinja
OpenTable is a large corporate provider and some people find comfort in that. OpenTable also has a larger reach than BookingNinja through their OpenTable discovery website. BookingNinja is an OpenTable alternative because of it's more indie & personal approach.
Our support team is ready to help you make the right decision.
Start a chat and get instant answers!
With over 25% of Gift Cards never redeemed, unlock a new profitable revenue stream by selling gift cards direct.
Take bookings for separate areas, for example indoor and outdoor seating - and put your guests in control of their experience.
Create discounts and coupons for money off whole or part of a booking deposit, set when discounts run or can be used, and make your own codes.
Pick between two fully featured and customisable booking views at any time, see bookings for just the day, or pick custom date ranges.
Your data is yours, and you shouldn't have to ask for it. Export your booking and customer information into multiple formats at any time.
Use already collected customer email and phone numbers to send customised marketing messages to encourage visits.
Disable and enable features from your main booking views and internal booking process and pick only what you want you and your team to see.
Get alerted to changes in your bookings by email, SMS or webhooks, so you don't have to stay glued to a screen all day.
Join thousands of businesses who have already switched to BookingNinja.
Start your journey today!