Diagnose Problems With Our Booking Debug Tool
All accounts have access to our easy to use debug tool which allows you to see why time slots are or are not available on your public form.
What is the debug tool?
With so many settings and so much power under the hood, it can be easy to forget exactly what settings are affecting which bookings. With the debug tool active, you can select any time slot for any day and see exactly what's going on. It will show you what booking limits are affecting that slot, what yield settings are being used, and even if you have a closure or an event that's getting in the way.
It's also super easy to use, with just a single click to turn it on and another to turn it off again.
In fact, this tool is so helpful it's exactly what our customer service team uses to fix booking problems across the site. But of course, if you can't see a problem, we're always available on live chat to investigate problems for you!
Take a peek at Diagnose Problems With Our Booking Debug Tool
Diagnose Slots Quickly
Find out which settings are affecting your time slots in seconds
Diagnose Slots Quickly
Find out which settings are affecting your time slots in seconds
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