Update 8

Update 8

New Payments and Deposits, Add-On Improvements, Sessions List and More

We're moving to Version 8 this week, as our new deposit system marks the end of the last big foundational updates that we started all the way back in October! Thanks for sticking with us!

As well as deposits just being much better, this now opens us up a whole bunch of other planned features and improvements relating to taking payments. Memberships will also be going live very soon.


✨ The new deposit system is now in use by all venues and includes new features such as itemisation, as well as a much simpler method of linking ticket types to payments.

✨ The gift card checkout has been updated as part of planned improvements to this system. As well as using the latest Stripe features, we improved the visuals, speed and the overall customer experience.

✨We've moved the new sessions list page out of beta. This page shows more information about each session at at glance, such as which guest types are being used, or what the external name of the session is.

✨We've improved exporting so you can select more data and wider ranges. You can also directly connect up to Google Sheets for a live database of all your bookings.


🔧We've made over fifty tweaks to the design of existing pages. This includes removing redundant text and buttons, making it clearer what certain options do, and resolving several 500 errors.

🔧 We've been fixing iPad and OSX issues as we go and have fixed issues with Gantt view zooms, hamburger menus not be clickable and admin bookings not functioning correctly. There's a note on this below, but if your currently using an updated machine and still having issues, please let us know.

🔧 Fixed multiple situations where gift cards would generate codes without sales attached, or where duplicate codes would be produced if customers tried to edit checkouts.

🔧 Fixed a visual bug on the guest types page that would label the factored and hidden types incorrectly - just a visual error!

🔧 Fixed some errors on the new sessions page where booking totals and guest types were being incorrectly displayed.

🔧 Fixed some issues with pre-orders, including priorities not working correctly, totals not totaling modifiers and pre-orders not locking automatically when customers are finished.

🔧 Clicking emojis on feedback emails now works properly on all mail clients.

A Note on Apple Issues

Elements of this update may cause visual issues on the backend for very old Apple devices (2017 and older) or newer ones that have not been kept updated.

In nearly all cases these have been fixed by updating the software. We do our best to support old devices, and currently support most hardware made within the last 8 years, but as we hold customer data, we must keep our systems updated to the latest standards, and Apple themselves have long since stopped supporting these older systems.

We're Always Improving

BookingNinja is updated regularly with new features and tools, many of which are direct requests from our customers. Register for a free account to check out the latest version.