Why BookingNinja is Great Escape Room Booking Software

Why BookingNinja is Great Escape Room Booking Software

We've got a growing number of escape rooms that use BookingNinja

BookingNinja has been designed from the group up to be suitable for a wide range of business types, and today we’d like to dive into the BookingNinja features that make it an excellent reservation platform for Escape rooms!

Before developing Booking Ninja to cater for this space, we spoke to both local and international escape room owners to get an idea of what they need from a reservation platform, and the key required features were:

  • Be able to setup different ‘games’ each with their own rule set in terms of length and descriptions

  • Be able to use flexible pricing models to cater to the various types of games

  • Be accessible for the end-user to avoid any mistakes in ordering their game.

  • Be affordable booking software

BookingNinja allows you to set up unlimited ‘session types.’ In the case of an escape room, you use these session types as each of your games so for example we might have three games which in this example we’ll call “Escape From The Room”, “Dragon Fighter” and “The Alien From The Sea”. Once we’ve created the sessions, we can dive into their particular settings to ensure each game is setup right.

The first details on the configuration page are pretty self-explanatory; describe your game in the description box so users can see about each game on the main booking page. Unless this is a one-off event (for example, a Halloween escape room) you should leave the session date clear. Some of the basic settings for your game.

Next you should set the length & concurrency. The length should be the total possible time it takes to play your game, and the concurrency should be how many rooms you have for this particular game. Most escape rooms have concurrency at one per game.

Finally you get set the booking charges. There is a wide range of charge options you have here including if the deposit should scale (for example you may want to charge £20 per person if it’s just 2 people, but £10 per person for a group of 8). The exact charging model you use is very much a business decision for you! You can have as many games as you want on your booking page!

With these settings, you can setup an easy to use booking page for all your rooms in mere minutes, and you can be accepting bookings immediately after. You’ll find literally hundreds more settings in the various sections of Bookingninja, but for now, that was a quick look at using BookingNinja for escape rooms!


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