Send Marketing Emails Directly

Send Marketing Emails Directly

Use already collected customer email and phone numbers to send customised marketing messages to encourage visits.

Included In

Send Marketing Emails for Restaurants

BookingNinja allows you to gather emails and numbers directly from your booking form and then use those emails to send out custom marketing newsletters, promotions and more.

Complaint with all the latest standards in anti-spam and data laws, this allows you to use Booking Ninja not only as a booking platform but as a powerful marketing tool. Plus, its free for all users!

Save Time and Money

Using BookingNinja to send your marketing emails not only saves you an incredible amount of time as we're using the exact same database, stats and analytics as the main booking software itself, it also means you don't need to use another email service, paying for another monthly subscription.

But of course, you can also export all of your customer data legally and quickly through our exporting tool if you do want to use other marketing platforms!


Take a peek at Send Marketing Emails Directly

Run Effective Campaigns

Run Effective Campaigns

Fast Reporting

Fast Reporting

See email sends, click-throughs and unsubscribes


A Booking Platform for 2024, not 1994.

Escape the clutches of the antiquated big booking platforms with their locked in contracts and high fees. Go independent with BookingNinja and get true power.