Require Email Confirmation To Accept Bookings
Stop mass fake bookings by requiring and confirming contact details during booking.
Luckly it's rare you'll see any issues with accepting online bookings - the vast majority of our customers go about never having to worry about fake bookings - rarely however this can be a frustrating, often targeted experience. The exact reason why people might flood you with fake bookings can vary greatly (competitor, disgruntled employees or just people who like to be a pain.
BookingNinja has in place protections to stop automated bookings and detects and blocks bookings that flag up - but with enough time and effort these like any protections can be circumvented (using multiple devices and different internet connections for example). The good news is you can cut fake bookings down when your experiencing an attack by simply enabling our Email Verification feature.
When enabled, during the booking process the customer will be required to provide a 5 digit code they are sent to either their email or phone. The booking isn't completed until they provide this information.
This code proves that the contact detail exists and is valid. This means to create a booking the user has to provide real contact details - which when tied into our max bookings per contact filter means anyone trying to create mass fake bookings would have to create new email addresses for each booking; considerably slowing them down (and in the limited times we've seen this type of thing, stopping them altogether).
We'd always suggest this feature is used only when required as it slows down authentic bookings also - but combined with our automated testing it helps secure your booking process against fake bookings.
Take a peek at Require Email Confirmation To Accept Bookings
During bookings send verification email
During bookings send verification email
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